
As I travelled home after ditching Graham for dinner (I’m sorry, Graham!) and was happily listening to my iPod when I started to hear some weird rap music. I have two rap songs on my iPod, and I was sure both of them had passed already (I just have my iPod play songs at random until it gets through the whole list). Then I realised it was from the person standing behind me. When you can hear the music coming from someone else’s iPod does it mean that their iPod is too loud, or yours isn’t loud enough? Personally, I thought the former, as I don’t want to go deaf just because someone else is well on their way.
I could have just told him to turn it down, but how stupid does that sound? “Excuse me, your iPod is a little too loud, do you mind turning it down, please?” I blame the iPod earphones – they suck! Anyway, I decided to be GlareFodder, and just glared at him hoping that he’d get the message, or get off the tram (unfortunately, his stop was after mine, so I got off before he did). But I’m horrible at that, as everytime he looked up at me, I looked away. I fail at my new year’s resolution, I’m still horrible at speaking my mind.
So, on that note, I’m going to ask a favour of all of you. Give me something to write about, something that you think I would have difficulty writing about beacuse I’m afraid of what will happen if people really find out what I think. There are only a few limits I’m putting on this:
-Don’t ask me to write about something that will require me to reveal a secret that isn’t mine to reveal (unless that secret is yours, and you give me permission to reveal it – but please don’t just use my blog to come out of the closet >_<).
-Don’t ask me to write about my immediate family.
-Try not to ask me about something I’ve already blogged about, while I’d be happy to do so, I’m sure it’ll just be the same as what I previously posted.
If you want me to write about something, but you don’t want me to post it on my blog, then leave your email address, and I’ll email it to you instead. Please try to think of something you think I’ll have a hard time writing about, as that is the whole point of the exercise. Also, if you want your suggestion to remain anonymous, just tell me that on MSN (specifiy if you want anonymity, since I know some people are too lazy to post a reply on my blog).
OK, hopefully this experiment works! ^_^
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3 Responses to Favour

  1. Philip says:

    Write about one of these: – Warlocks, they clearly own (clearly, clearly gets said to much these days) – Concrete cancer and the effects on old buildings around Sydney, or Melbourne, since your not from Sydney. – The theory that we may be in a 1 in a 1000 year drought (based on core mud samples taken at lakes around Australia), which we have never experienced before – The fact that we still all use teh QWERTY keyboard years after the typewriter, and its inherent problems are no longer a factor, when clearly the DVORAK is a better option, since qwerty was invented to slow down typing
    – The psychology behind why the overuse of the worlds such as “clearly”, and “concur” is rampant on the internet these days

  2. Drizzt says:

    omg apple product user :P
    omg rap listener XD
    omg sumone needs help :P
    ok i will stop now. i guess you could talk about why victorians like afl cos its a gay sport *runs away*

  3. Mr says:

    Why dont u explain about where u think a guy *must* be without hair(shaved etc), that will be most funny for us to read and teach u to be less timid about some topics :p

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