
Phil the Hobo and I were talking about rules in societies, and how they may make it easier for lots of people to live in close proximity with each other, but it restricts the amount of freedom we have. He thinks that we should be more free, but I opted to go for the rules. I asked him if he would be comfortable if everyone around him was naked, and he said that he’d be perfectly comfortable. Later, at MUCSA End-Of-Year-Drinks, he explained to me that we wear clothes because we don’t like being naked, and we don’t like being naked because we wear clothes, so it’s a cycle that’s hard to break out of. Though he said that once you have tried being naked with a whole bunch of other naked people, it’s not such a big thing. I guess Phil the Hobo spends a lot of time with naked people.

Personally, I’m not so comfortable with nudity, except in some cases, like when seeing a doctor, or other stuff. Gojky once asked me if a naked person came up to me on the train and asked for my seat, would I give it to them, knowing that if I didn’t, they’d be standing in front of me for the entire trip. I said that I wouldn’t, becuase it was my seat, and while I would have been happy to offer it to them, the fact that they asked for it made me not want to give it to them. I think if it actually happened though, I’d find it very hard to say no, as I’d feel so uncomfortable with them standing there – regardless of whether they were hot or not. Which is strange because as the naked one, you’d think they would be the uncomfortable one. >_<

Later that night, Phil the Hobo was saying that the reason I was so uncomfortable about being naked was because I had so little self-confidence. He said the best way to cure that was to get naked! He said it was liberating, and would make me feel more confident. So I went for a drive today, down to the beach, got naked and went for a walk. It wasn’t liberating. It was cold, and I felt like a moron. Then I realised what I thought was a statue sitting on the wall was actually a person. I put my clothes back on and drove home.


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4 Responses to Naked

  1. Drizzt says:


  2. Dante says:

    we don\’t ONLY wear clothes due to such a shoddie self-perpetuating circle. Clothes are functional. They keep the sun off us so we don\’t burn. They keep us warm in the cold, and dry in the rain. They also serve as a status symbol, and as a way to attract potential breeding partners.
    Sure, if we didn\’t have clothes then it\’d be okay, no big deal in social terms. There would be no stigma associated with the naked human form. But, we\’d also all be getting sunburned, freezing, soaking wet, have out feet torn up by the ground, and have absolutely no protection from bugs and stuff. My desire to wear clothes does, in part, come from a socially constructed stigma, but there are also other reasons. like to help correct my flat feet, to keep my pale skin from burning, to allow me to have places to put my wallet and phone etc.

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  4. Luke Weston says:

    “Later, at MUCSA End-Of-Year-Drinks, he explained to me that we wear clothes because we don’t like being naked, and we don’t like being naked because we wear clothes, so it’s a cycle that’s hard to break out of.”

    Hahahaha. This could only be the work of Phil. Nobody else could imitate it. :)

    I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy yourself at the beach. (*stifles a little giggle*)

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