
:[ Jenster :[ says (12:39 AM):
stop trying to be a matchmaker

Fodder says (12:39 AM):
(U)  (heartbroken emoticon)

:[ Jenster :[ says (12:39 AM):
yes, ur heartbroken
hav u got a bf now?

Fodder says (12:39 AM):

because of you!
i have no faith in love anymore

OK, one of my new year’s resolution is going to be not to try and match Jenny anymore, despite how wonderful I think she would be with the person I’m trying to match her with. (Cue Jenny’s /sigh face.) Considering there are only 2 more days until New Year’s Eve, I should think of some new New Year’s resolutions.

I want to try more new things, so I will resolve to say "no" less.

I resolve to take better care of myself, and eat better, do more exercise, and stop calling pringles a good breakfast.

I resolve to cook more meals, rather than taking the easy way out with microwavable meals.

I resolve to stop insisting that I’m right all the time, even when I know I am.

I resolve to be more direct with people, rather than skirting around the truth.

Stringbeans says (1:57 AM):
when you said you ask guys out last night
i forgot to point out that either A) your guys that you ask out arent manly ( >_> )
or B) you arent too girly

I think I may have mentioned it in an older post, I’m too lazy to check, but I did end up asking MrMan5 out. Personally, I don’t see a problem with asking guys out. Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them, etc., sometimes they just don’t get the idea, so you have to tell them. In fact, because of their manly cluelessness, I see having a girl ask them out making them more manly. OK… maybe not.

You meet so many people in your life, it’s impossible to expect to be able to keep in touch with every single one of them, and I think that if there’s someone you feel that you click with, you should try to keep them in your life. It doesn’t always have to involve forming a romantic relationship with them, but I think sometimes having a special someone can make things better. If someone is a little slow on the uptake, then I see no problem with the other person making an expression of interest. You never know, something might happen and you never end up seeing them again, so why not do something while you can? Even if it doesn’t work out, at least you tried.

Guys shouldn’t be expected to do the asking. Rejecting can make you feel less likely to try again, and might mean that you miss out on someone who you’d be really good with. Also, girls who never get asked start to feel unattractive, and may end up having low self-esteem. While that might be a good thing, some kind of wake-up call or something, it doesn’t feel good!

Anyway, I asked some guys a question:

"If a girl asked you out, would that make you feel less manly?"

These are the responses I got:

P says (2:43 AM):
nope lol

GP says (2:23 AM):

Maddo – Climate Change Heretic says (2:22 AM):
it’s a new world, etc

adam // birdman says (2:21 AM):
not at all

yc says (2:26 AM):
no, all cool with me

Kalg says (2:34 AM):

obviously thats a trap
I can spot them
I was taught by general ackbar

Swiftpaw says (3:04 AM):
I would’nt
I’d like it.

kaysik says (3:10 AM):

if your in opposite world yes
if a girl asked me out (despite having to turn her down) it’d be AWESOME

that guy says (3:10 AM):
he is less of a man
the sooner he realises this the better
Fodder says (3:11 AM):
are you being sarcastic? =O
that guy says (3:12 AM):
and yeah I was being sarcastic

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4 Responses to Resolutions

  1. Jedi_Amara says:

    You see, you were hinting to Paul that you would ask him out! :D

  2. Anna says:

    I was not!

  3. Jedi_Amara says:

    Now that you\’ve gone away, I can plant ideas in Paul\’s mind without your influence to counter…

  4. Pingback: Tinder Garten | :|

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