Things I Want To Do Before I Die (11-20)

11. Learn to speak Italian fluently.
12. Bake muffins that don’t kill people.
13. Cook food that isn’t burnt.
14. Meet someone who likes soggy Weetbix.
15. Move out of home.
16. Beat Uncle Cliff’s record of 100 consecutive wins in Freecell.
17. Collect more than 1000 Metcards (used for public transport, for the non-Melbournians).
18. Finish the photo album for Aunty S.
19. Go an entire year without cooking or eating instant noodles.
20. Watch a live-action version of an anime.
I just counted the number of Metcards I currently have, and it’s at 558 (and a bus ticket and ferry ticket from when I was in Sydney). Melbourne is planning on bringing in a system similiar to Japan’s smart card system where you can buy a smart card and every time you use public transport, you can scan it and it’ll deduct funds from your account. While I like the idea of just having to carry one card instead of stockpiling a lot in your wallet (I have zone 1 and zone 1+2 tickets in my wallet – stupid WoW dinners and Charmeleon being in zone 2 >_<), the downside is, I might never get to 1000 Metcards. It has taken me 5 years to get 558, and now that I’ve decided that I want to walk to uni every day, I use public transport even less. Plus, I’m learning to drive, so once I get a car, that’ll mean even less public transport use. =(
TSD said that he can help me with 14 and 17, but in exchange, I have to help him with his list. One of the things on that list is a making a movie with a script, which I can do, only he wants to make a WoW movie, and my account runs out soon. It doesn’t seem like either of us will be able to write a script before that happens, but I don’t really want to add a game card just to make a movie in exchange for some Metcards (OK, but some, I mean a lot, as he says he has a lot, but is it really worth it?). Most of the other stuff on his list I can’t really help him with.
[EDIT 01/06/2007 10:02PM] TY to Kalg for pointing out that I had “Buy a car” twice on my list. So 20 has been changed.
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4 Responses to Things I Want To Do Before I Die (11-20)

  1. Darren says:

    I\’m curious as to why you want to learn Italian. Wasn\’t japanese enough for you? :D
    As for 16, I do like a good stint in front of the computer playing Freecell. My best has been 23 straight wins, but I\’m pretty confident if I had an entire day during the holidays, that can be bettered. I usually need to get on a roll.
    And I can also help with 17, if you don\’t want mind not really "earning" them yourself. I don\’t know why, but I keep mine. And they\’re building up. Let me count them…wah! 100 exactly! ^^
    Anyway, keep up the study!

  2. Drizzt says:

    sumone has an italian fetish >_>
    and wow u dont really have many expectations from life do u to have a list like this …

  3. Anna says:

    "and wow u dont really have many expectations from life do u to have a list like this …"
    What does that mean?! Pulkit, you never make any sense. T_T
    I learnt Italian in primary school and high school. I never really became fluent at it though (same can be said about Japanese). I am also a big fan of Italian food, pizza being my favourite. :D
    It\’s strange, but I find that I\’m better at Freecell when I\’m depressed, and I\’ve been so happy lately that I can\’t seem to get on a good winning streak. :(

  4. Pingback: Things to do before I die (update) | :|

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